
  • 1:1 Divorce Coaching

    This is where the real work is done. With me as your guide and partner, you will redefine normal and, when you’re ready, design your new life; I will offer you guidance and feedback as you hone your ability to communicate thoughtfully and clearly during challenging and stressful conflicts; and together we will mitigate the trauma that is divorce.

    I specialize in working with high-achieving individuals, those at the executive level in their careers, as well as the spouses supporting those careers. I also enjoy working with a variety of people, and ultimately the only real requirement to work together is a willingness to grow and do the work to see that growth come to fruition.

    Divorce Coaching as Part of Your Litigation Team

    As a licensed attorney with extensive experience in family law, I am uniquely qualified to work in tandem with your litigation team. This may be particularly useful if communication is breaking down between you and your lawyer, you need someone to bridge the emotional gap, or you simply want the extra layer of support.

  • Divorce Coaching as Part of Your Litigation Team

    As a licensed attorney with extensive experience in family law, I am uniquely qualified to work in tandem with a litigation team. This may be particularly useful if communication is breaking down between attorney and client, the client and/or attorney need a trusted professional to bridge the emotional gap, or the client / team simply want the extra layer of support.

    In working directly with the litigation team, I can provide support to the lawyer, as well as the client. To effectuate that, I offer 1:1 communication with the attorney, wherein we can identify any challenging issues that are arising with our shared client or in their case overall, such as communication struggles and any areas of push-back or frustration. Once the challenges have been identified, then together we decide if it would be best for me to individually handle the matter with the client in our next private coaching session or if a team meeting wherein mediate or moderate the discourse would be more effective.

    I can also provide added support for demanding and pressurized times such as mediation, deposition, court appearances, and high-stress meetings, including in-person work if requested.

    Litigation Consultant: Trial & Witness Preparation

    During my years in litigation, some of the most intensive and rewarding work I did was preparing clients for all aspects of trial. This included helping them understand the court proceedings from beginning to end and preparing them to appear as a witness. While lawyers, are focused deeply on the strategy of your case, as a coach, I have the freedom to work with clients on a deeper, more emotional level, ensuring that they are more grounded and prepared for navigating the court proceedings. I also focus more intimately on witness preparation with the client, including addressing the stress and anxiety they may face when in a courtroom, deposition, etc., and teaching the client the nuanced art of presenting oneself well and effectively in court.

    Along with trial and witness preparation with our shared clients, some other areas in which I can provide feedback and assistance to the litigation team are: expert witness testimony, jury selection, opening and closing statements and theme development, communication skills training, and trial observation.

    In my role as a litigation consultant, we can incorporate a concierge aspect wherein I am on-site or on-call and available at any time during the client’s trial, hearing, deposition, etc. should your team want that additional support.

“She listens, she considers the larger implications of the details, she is patient in her explanation of complexities, and she invests herself earnestly in the representation of [me] her client…But for all her skill as an attorney it was often her contagious warmth and courage that I most greatly appreciated and relied upon in the face of a process that is often intimidatingly cold and procedural. She is an outstanding attorney. She is an extraordinary human being.” - Former family law client


Monica Stallings
Certified Divorce Coach®, Attorney, Mediator

Certified Divorce Coach®

Licensed attorney in Washington and Texas

Certified mediator with advanced family law training

Certified in collaborative law

American Society of Trial Consultants as of 2024